The Old Testament

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Also known as the Moses Window

Covering the back of the church, this window is more dramatic and bolder than the previous windows done by Douglas Phillips (who did our "Christianity and" series of windows). Dedicated on Sunday, December 15, 1974, the window was designed to take advantage of sunlight coming in its opening. In the center opening, at the top, are the serpent, the fruit, and flaming sword, all symbolizing the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Below is a raised circle enclosing two Yods, the Hebrew symbol of God. In the major portion of the center lancet is Moses holding the tablets of the Ten Commandments. He stands on Mt. Ararat. Below him is the flaming bush, symbol of the journey through the wilderness. To the left of Moses is the prophet Elijah and to his right is the prophet Elisha. Symbols of the four major prophets are shown at the left and right panels. On the left, Isaiah is note as the burning coal and tongs; Jeremiah is noted by the three stones. On the right, Ezekiel is shown by the turreted gateway, and Daniel by the ram with four horns. Above, the deluge and the salvation of man is shown by the ark and the rain, and at the far right, Abraham and Isaac are shown by the sword and the urn of coals with the sticks. Cain and Abel are symbolized by the two altars at the top with one having smoke curling downward and the other with smoke curling upward. The left panel was given in memory of loved ones by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wade. The center panel was given by mother, Mrs. Anna Ekers, and brother, Harold, in memory of John Paul Ekers. The right panel was given in memory of loved ones by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Walters.

Window description and historical information collected by Heidi Myers.